Actor Brad Pitt was spotted running in panic on the set of his upcoming movie World War Z on August 24. The Hollywood star was shooting for a scene of the film. The photographs, released online, show him running away with a little girl among other civilians in the middle of a crowded street in Glasgow.
In the pictures, Brad Pitt is donning a long-sleeved shirt and denim and holding a girl, who seems to be his on-screen daughter. The actor was also snapped with Mireille Enos during shooting a scene inside a Chevy camper van on the set in Grangemounth over the weekend.
However, World War Z is an adaptation of Max Brook's best-selling novel. The film revolves around the United Nation's employee Gerry Lane, who traverses the world in a race against time to stop the Zombie pandemic that is toppling armies and governments, and threatening to decimate humanity itself.
Brad Pitt is playing Gerry Lane in the movie World War Z and James Badge Dale, Julia Levy-Boeken, Daniella Kertesz, Matthew Fox and Elyes Gabel are in the supporting cast. Directed by Scott Cooper, the film is slated to release in theaters on December 12, 2012.
In the pictures, Brad Pitt is donning a long-sleeved shirt and denim and holding a girl, who seems to be his on-screen daughter. The actor was also snapped with Mireille Enos during shooting a scene inside a Chevy camper van on the set in Grangemounth over the weekend.
However, World War Z is an adaptation of Max Brook's best-selling novel. The film revolves around the United Nation's employee Gerry Lane, who traverses the world in a race against time to stop the Zombie pandemic that is toppling armies and governments, and threatening to decimate humanity itself.
Brad Pitt is playing Gerry Lane in the movie World War Z and James Badge Dale, Julia Levy-Boeken, Daniella Kertesz, Matthew Fox and Elyes Gabel are in the supporting cast. Directed by Scott Cooper, the film is slated to release in theaters on December 12, 2012.
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